2023-2024 Home School Connection, week 34

Hello Eagles,

What’s your favorite thing to do in school?

Some students may say it’s basketball at recess, hanging out with friends, playing on the huge connect four in the Wellness Center or finding a fun book in the media center. There is just so much to do at Pioneer! This week, I visited our fifth graders and they shared their love of music. Many were trying instruments, integrating technology and trying out a tune! As your child, what is their favorite thing to do at school?

A big heartfelt thank you for the good samaritan who fixed our Free Little Library in front of the school! Thank you for replacing the glass! Remember to check out our little school bus for books! Need a book? Come get one. Want to give a good, please do! Remember it’s only books for students… Let’s keep it rated G for everyone!

Spring weather is finally here and with that, a reminder about student attire. What is appropriate school wear is not the same as summer leisure wear. Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook. In general, shorts should be below an arms length. No crop tops, mid drifts,  and spaghetti straps. And heelies are not allowed. 

For more information about this coming week, click on the Weekly Home School Connection, week 34! You will also find a calendar for next school year.


Mrs. Alday