2023-2024 Home School Connection, week 35

Hello Eagles!

Pioneer Olympics, Math Olympiads,  and Earth Day… all rolled together! Needless to say, we have had an eventful couple of weeks! While having fun, our students have persevere through the state SBAC testing and spring NWEA! Thank you families for bringing your children to school on time and ready. Your daily encouragement and affirmation goes a long way!

This month’s character trait theme is Courage. Below is part of an announcement from Cody and Aydric, two of our fifth graders. They shared these words with the whole school during Words of Wisdom this week:

“ We’re here to talk about courage. Courage is important because if we never used courage we could never get through things like SBAC or NWEA. When I think of courage, I think of going on a roller coaster because it’s really scary and dangerous. When I think of courage, I think of standing up to someone stronger than you. We can have courage. Have a courageous day or not, the choice is yours!”

May we all find the courage to do hard things like our aspiring Eagles! Way to SOAR!

For more information about this coming week, click on the Weekly Home School Connection, week 35! You will also find a calendar for next school year.


Mrs. Alday