Hello Eagles!
We have had an exciting week of school! At our school assemblies we’ve talked about our school SOAR Program! Students are asked to explore ways they can be…
(S) afe
(O) pen Minded
(A) accountable
(R) espectful
How can your little Eagle SOAR at home?
As we our second week of school, please remember the following:
- Starting this week, school hours are 8:00-2:05. TK & K students will continue to be dismissed at 11:20.
- Students can come to breakfast at 7:30. Ms. Nora is in the cafeteria to supervise students who eat breakfast. If you child is not eating breakfast, they should not arrive before 7:45.
- Please be extremely careful when dropping off or picking up your child! Safety is very important. We ask for your patience as we try to create a positive school environment for all our students.
- We have a drop off and pick up lane in front of the school. Please drive up to the curb, drop off quickly, then move forward. Do not park or stop your engine to walk your child to class. There is staff on campus to assist your child when they come through the gates.
Students who have completed the Summer Slide Reading Challenge, please turn in your logs to your teachers. For a calendar of this week’s events, click to view the Home School Connection, week 2! Go Eagles!
Mrs. Alday